Worship Matters 7 Session Curriculum

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Worship Matters’ contains 7 sessions exploring the nature of worship. It seeks to offer a wider, Biblical view of worship and includes foundational principles and practical applications to encourage children to worship.

What do children think of when we talk about worship? Often they equate it with that time of ‘sung worship’ in our church meetings. However, our worship of God is not just about singing but also about lifestyle and service.This curriculum includes Bible based teaching, suggestions for worship and response times and pictures or ideas for visual aids. Each session also includes a selection of reinforcing activities such as quiz questions, puppets and/or drama scripts, prayer activities, craft activities, games, activity sheets.  There is enough material for approximately a one and a half hour programme.

This download comes as a zipfile with the contents in a PDF format. Everything is fully photocopiable. Music audio tracks are also included.

Session titles are:

1. What is Worship – Part 1

2. What is Worship – Part 2

3. Heart Attitude

4. Clean Hands Pure heart

5. Worship is Powerful

6. Worship Without Singing

7. Worship and the Psalms.
