Questions, Questions, Questions! - 6 Week Series

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Jesus was a master teacher. From the parables to the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus consistently amazed the teachers of the law and His disciples with His insight and wisdom. One tool that Jesus used in a powerful way was the tool of asking probing questions.

The questions Jesus asked were not simple ones. The questions He asked forced an answer. They challenged the heart of the listener and caused everyone to rethink the way they lived.

In this series, your children are going to learn from some of the BIGGEST questions Jesus asked. They will learn from Jesus on subjects ranging from gratitude to judgement. They will learn from stories Jesus told, such as “The Rich Fool” and “The Good Samaritan.”

  • Lesson 1 - “Why Do You Call Me Lord, But Don't Do What I Say?"
  • Lesson 2 - “What Do You Benefit If You Gain The Whole World, But Lose Your Own Soul?"
  • Lesson 3 - “Where Are The Other Nine?"
  • Lesson 4 - “Why Are You Afraid?"
  • Lesson 5 - "Why Worry About A Speck In Your Friend's Eye When You Have A Log In Your Own?"
  • Lesson 6 - “Which Would You Say Was A Neighbour?"

Included in this comprehensive package are lesson manuals, PowerPoint presentations,, family devotions, and promotional graphics—everything you need to embark on this life-changing journey of scripture memorization with your kids. 

Specially priced for the Southern Africa region (currently available only in South Africa at this price). Get your copy today!
