Post it notes from God - 8 Week Series

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Post-It Notes are one of the greatest inventions ever. They are so useful in our every day lives. We use them to remind ourselves of things that we don’t want to forget. We use them to send little messages to others just to let them know how we feel about them.                   

There are SO MANY uses for Post-It notes! But, you know—we started thinking—what if God used Post-it notes? Really! Post-It Notes are perfect for giving a short message to someone that you don’t want them to ever ever forget, right? Well, there are all kinds of things that God wants to tell us that He doesn’t want us to forget. What if God were to write each one of us a post-it note?

Well, that’s what we are going to explore in this series, “Post-it Notes From God.” We are going to look at the Bible and see several very important messages that God NEVER wants us to forget. If God wrote us a Post-it note, what would it say?                   

We think your kids will really enjoy this series that explores these important messages from God! By the time the series is over, they will never look at Post-It Notes the same way again. We pray they will always remember the messages that God has for them!

Lesson 1 “You Matter”

Lesson 2 “I Have A Plan For You”

Lesson 3 “Take Out The Trash”

Lesson 4 “Slow Down”

Lesson 5 “Smile, I Love You”.

Lesson 6 “I Haven’t Forgotten You”.

Lesson 7 “I Forgive You”

Lesson 8 “Don’t Quit”

Included in this comprehensive package are lesson manuals, PowerPoint presentations,, family devotions, and promotional graphics—everything you need to embark on this life-changing journey of scripture memorisation with your kids.         

Specially priced for the Southern Africa region (currently available only in South Africa at this price). Get your copy today!                  


