Joseph 10 Weeks Series

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Joseph is one of the most studied and treasured Bible Heroes. His lived a life of extremes. He began as the favorite son, then wound up in the pit. He went from the pit to being a servant in Potiphar’s house. Just when things seemed to be looking up, he is falsely accused and imprisoned.

In prison, Joseph is faithful to God and to his calling as a servant. He is shown favor by God and finds himself eventually going from the prison to the second highest position in the country of Egypt. How does this young man handle these ups and downs? How does he respond to failure, success, and temptation?

In this series, we study the life of Joseph to help us understand how God can work through even life’s toughest circumstances. Every lesson follows Joseph’s life - from the dream to reality.

  • Lesson 1: “Nobody’s Perfect”
  • Lesson 2: “Dream A BIG Dream”
  • Lesson 3: “Running From Temptation”
  • Lesson 4: “Why Is This Happening To Me?”
  • Lesson 5: “When You Feel Forgotten”
  • Lesson 6: “Can God Ever Reach _____________?”
  • Lesson 7: “Getting Rid Of ‘Stinking Thinking”
  • Lesson 8: “Let Go Of The Hurt”
  • Lesson 9: “Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?”
  • Lesson 10: “Be Faithful In The Moment”
  • Included in this comprehensive package are lesson manuals, Powerpoint presentations,, family devotions, and promotional graphics—everything you need to embark on this life-changing journey of scripture memorization with your kids.

  • Specially priced for the Southern Africa region (currently available only in South Africa at this price). Get your copy today!
