Kids and Family Devotion: The Lord Looks at Our Hearts

📖 Lesson 1 from KidzConnectSA’s Impact and Influence Curriculum "The Lord does not make decisions like man. Man judges by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." – 1 Samuel 16:7 (NLT)

Here’s your kids' devotional with the curriculum link included:

Kids’ Devotional: The Lord Looks at Our Hearts

📖 From the KidzConnectSA Curriculum: Impact and Influence
📚 Lesson 1: The Lord Looks at Our Hearts
🛒 Get the full curriculum here: Impact and Influence – KidzConnectSA

📖 Bible Verse:
"The Lord does not make decisions like man. Man judges by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." – 1 Samuel 16:7 (NLT)

A Peek Inside the Heart

Have you ever judged someone by how they look? Maybe you thought someone with fancy clothes was really important, or maybe you thought someone quiet wasn’t very special. But guess what? God doesn’t look at what’s on the outside – He sees what’s in our hearts!

In the Bible, Samuel was sent to find a new king. He saw strong and impressive men, but God said, “I look at the heart, not the appearance.” Then, Jesse brought his youngest son, David. He didn’t look like a king, but God saw his heart and knew he was the right choice!

Heart Check!

God wants our hearts to be full of love, kindness, and truth. When we spend time with Him—praying, reading the Bible, and choosing to do what’s right—our hearts become beautiful in His eyes.

🔍 Think about it:

  • Do my actions show kindness and love to others?
  • Am I honest, even when no one is watching?
  • Do I try to please God or just impress people?

Today's Challenge

👀 Mirror Time: Stand in front of a mirror and look at yourself. Remember, God doesn’t focus on your appearance—He cares about what’s inside! Take a moment to ask Him to help you have a heart that pleases Him.

🙏 Prayer:
"Lord, thank You for looking at my heart. Help me to be kind, honest, and full of love. I want to live in a way that makes You happy. Amen!"

💡 Fun Activity: Play the “Chopsticks Race” with your family! Just like this game takes focus and skill, keeping our hearts right before God takes effort and commitment. Let’s set our hearts on Him today!